▼ demos | |
► constraint | |
ConstrainedPlanningCommon.h | |
ConstrainedPlanningCommon.py | |
ConstrainedPlanningImplicitChain.cpp | |
ConstrainedPlanningImplicitChain.py | |
ConstrainedPlanningImplicitParallel.cpp | |
ConstrainedPlanningKinematicChain.cpp | |
ConstrainedPlanningSphere.cpp | |
ConstrainedPlanningSphere.py | |
ConstrainedPlanningTorus.cpp | |
ConstrainedPlanningTorus.py | |
ConstraintGeneration.py | |
► Koules | |
Koules.cpp | This file contains an elaborate demo to solve the game of Koules |
KoulesConfig.h | |
KoulesControlSpace.cpp | |
KoulesControlSpace.h | |
KoulesDecomposition.h | |
KoulesDirectedControlSampler.cpp | |
KoulesDirectedControlSampler.h | |
KoulesGoal.cpp | |
KoulesGoal.h | |
KoulesPlayback.py | |
KoulesProjection.h | |
KoulesSetup.cpp | |
KoulesSetup.h | |
KoulesSimulator.cpp | |
KoulesSimulator.h | |
KoulesStatePropagator.cpp | |
KoulesStatePropagator.h | |
KoulesStateSpace.cpp | |
KoulesStateSpace.h | |
► multilevel | |
MultiLevelPlanarManipulatorCommon.h | |
MultiLevelPlanarManipulatorDemo.cpp | |
MultiLevelPlanningCommon.h | |
MultiLevelPlanningHyperCube.cpp | |
MultiLevelPlanningHyperCubeBenchmark.cpp | |
MultiLevelPlanningHyperCubeCommon.h | |
MultiLevelPlanningKinematicChain.cpp | |
MultiLevelPlanningRigidBody2D.cpp | |
MultiLevelPlanningRigidBody2D.py | |
MultiLevelPlanningRigidBody3D.cpp | |
► PlanarManipulator | |
PlanarManipulator.cpp | |
PlanarManipulator.h | |
PlanarManipulatorDemo.cpp | |
PlanarManipulatorIKGoal.h | |
PlanarManipulatorPolyWorld.h | |
PlanarManipulatorStateSpace.h | |
PlanarManipulatorStateValidityChecker.h | |
PlanarManipulatorTSRRTConfig.h | |
PlanarManipulatorXXLDecomposition.h | |
PolyWorld.cpp | |
PolyWorld.h | |
visualize.py | |
► VFRRT | |
plotConservative.py | |
plotNonconservative.py | |
VectorFieldConservative.cpp | |
VectorFieldNonconservative.cpp | |
CForestCircleGridBenchmark.cpp | |
Diagonal.cpp | |
GeometricCarPlanning.cpp | |
HybridSystemPlanning.cpp | |
HypercubeBenchmark.cpp | |
KinematicChain.h | |
KinematicChainBenchmark.cpp | |
KinematicChainPathPlot.py | |
LTLWithTriangulation.cpp | |
OpenDERigidBodyPlanning.cpp | |
OptimalPlanning.cpp | |
OptimalPlanning.py | |
PlannerData.cpp | |
PlannerData.py | |
PlannerProgressProperties.cpp | |
Point2DPlanning.cpp | |
Point2DPlanning.py | |
RandomWalkPlanner.py | |
RigidBodyPlanning.cpp | |
RigidBodyPlanning.py | |
RigidBodyPlanningWithControls.cpp | |
RigidBodyPlanningWithControls.py | |
RigidBodyPlanningWithIK.cpp | |
RigidBodyPlanningWithIntegrationAndControls.cpp | |
RigidBodyPlanningWithODESolverAndControls.cpp | |
RigidBodyPlanningWithODESolverAndControls.py | |
SpaceTimePlanning.cpp | |
StateSampling.cpp | |
StateSampling.py | |
ThunderLightning.cpp | |
TriangulationDemo.cpp | |
▼ doc | |
► markdown | |
► code | |
mv.cpp | |
svc.cpp | |
▼ ompl | |
► base | |
► goals | |
► src | |
GoalLazySamples.cpp | |
GoalRegion.cpp | |
GoalSpace.cpp | |
GoalState.cpp | |
GoalStates.cpp | |
GoalLazySamples.h | |
GoalRegion.h | |
GoalSampleableRegion.h | |
GoalSpace.h | |
GoalState.h | |
GoalStates.h | |
► objectives | |
► src | |
ControlDurationObjective.cpp | |
MaximizeMinClearanceObjective.cpp | |
MechanicalWorkOptimizationObjective.cpp | |
MinimaxObjective.cpp | |
MinimizeArrivalTime.cpp | |
PathLengthOptimizationObjective.cpp | |
StateCostIntegralObjective.cpp | |
ControlDurationObjective.h | |
MaximizeMinClearanceObjective.h | |
MechanicalWorkOptimizationObjective.h | |
MinimaxObjective.h | |
MinimizeArrivalTime.h | |
PathLengthOptimizationObjective.h | |
StateCostIntegralObjective.h | |
VFMechanicalWorkOptimizationObjective.h | |
VFUpstreamCriterionOptimizationObjective.h | |
► samplers | |
► deterministic | |
► src | |
HaltonSequence.cpp | |
PrecomputedSequence.cpp | |
DeterministicSequence.h | |
HaltonSequence.h | |
PrecomputedSequence.h | |
► informed | |
► src | |
OrderedInfSampler.cpp | |
PathLengthDirectInfSampler.cpp | |
RejectionInfSampler.cpp | |
OrderedInfSampler.h | |
PathLengthDirectInfSampler.h | |
RejectionInfSampler.h | |
► src | |
BridgeTestValidStateSampler.cpp | |
ConditionalStateSampler.cpp | |
DeterministicStateSampler.cpp | |
GaussianValidStateSampler.cpp | |
InformedStateSampler.cpp | |
MaximizeClearanceValidStateSampler.cpp | |
MinimumClearanceValidStateSampler.cpp | |
ObstacleBasedValidStateSampler.cpp | |
UniformValidStateSampler.cpp | |
BridgeTestValidStateSampler.h | |
ConditionalStateSampler.h | |
DeterministicStateSampler.h | |
GaussianValidStateSampler.h | |
InformedStateSampler.h | |
MaximizeClearanceValidStateSampler.h | |
MinimumClearanceValidStateSampler.h | |
ObstacleBasedValidStateSampler.h | |
UniformValidStateSampler.h | |
► spaces | |
► constraint | |
► src | |
AtlasChart.cpp | |
AtlasStateSpace.cpp | |
ConstrainedStateSpace.cpp | |
ProjectedStateSpace.cpp | |
TangentBundleStateSpace.cpp | |
AtlasChart.h | |
AtlasStateSpace.h | |
ConstrainedStateSpace.h | |
ProjectedStateSpace.h | |
TangentBundleStateSpace.h | |
► special | |
► src | |
KleinBottleStateSpace.cpp | |
MobiusStateSpace.cpp | |
SphereStateSpace.cpp | |
TorusStateSpace.cpp | |
KleinBottleStateSpace.h | |
MobiusStateSpace.h | |
SphereStateSpace.h | |
TorusStateSpace.h | |
► src | |
DiscreteStateSpace.cpp | |
DubinsStateSpace.cpp | |
RealVectorBounds.cpp | |
RealVectorStateProjections.cpp | |
RealVectorStateSpace.cpp | |
ReedsSheppStateSpace.cpp | |
SE2StateSpace.cpp | |
SE3StateSpace.cpp | |
SO2StateSpace.cpp | |
SO3StateSpace.cpp | |
SpaceTimeStateSpace.cpp | |
TimeStateSpace.cpp | |
WrapperStateSpace.cpp | |
DiscreteStateSpace.h | |
DubinsStateSpace.h | |
EmptyStateSpace.h | |
RealVectorBounds.h | |
RealVectorStateProjections.h | |
RealVectorStateSpace.h | |
ReedsSheppStateSpace.h | |
SE2StateSpace.h | |
SE3StateSpace.h | |
SO2StateSpace.h | |
SO3StateSpace.h | |
SpaceTimeStateSpace.h | |
TimeStateSpace.h | |
WrapperStateSpace.h | |
► src | |
Constraint.cpp | |
Cost.cpp | |
DiscreteMotionValidator.cpp | |
GenericParam.cpp | |
Goal.cpp | |
OptimizationObjective.cpp | |
Planner.cpp | |
PlannerData.cpp | |
PlannerDataStorage.cpp | |
PlannerStatus.cpp | |
PlannerTerminationCondition.cpp | |
PrecomputedStateSampler.cpp | |
ProblemDefinition.cpp | |
ProjectionEvaluator.cpp | |
SpaceInformation.cpp | |
StateSampler.cpp | |
StateSpace.cpp | |
StateStorage.cpp | |
ValidStateSampler.cpp | |
► terminationconditions | |
► src | |
CostConvergenceTerminationCondition.cpp | |
IterationTerminationCondition.cpp | |
CostConvergenceTerminationCondition.h | |
IterationTerminationCondition.h | |
ConstrainedSpaceInformation.h | |
Constraint.h | |
Cost.h | |
DiscreteMotionValidator.h | |
GenericParam.h | |
Goal.h | |
GoalTypes.h | |
MotionValidator.h | |
OptimizationObjective.h | |
Path.h | |
Planner.h | |
PlannerData.h | |
PlannerDataGraph.h | |
PlannerDataStorage.h | |
PlannerStatus.h | |
PlannerTerminationCondition.h | |
PrecomputedStateSampler.h | |
ProblemDefinition.h | |
ProjectionEvaluator.h | |
ScopedState.h | |
SolutionNonExistenceProof.h | |
SpaceInformation.h | |
State.h | |
StateSampler.h | |
StateSamplerArray.h | |
StateSpace.h | |
StateSpaceTypes.h | |
StateStorage.h | |
StateValidityChecker.h | |
TypedSpaceInformation.h | |
TypedStateValidityChecker.h | |
ValidStateSampler.h | |
► control | |
► planners | |
► est | |
► src | |
EST.cpp | |
EST.h | |
► kpiece | |
► src | |
KPIECE1.cpp | |
KPIECE1.h | |
► ltl | |
► src | |
Automaton.cpp | |
LTLPlanner.cpp | |
LTLProblemDefinition.cpp | |
LTLSpaceInformation.cpp | |
ProductGraph.cpp | |
PropositionalDecomposition.cpp | |
World.cpp | |
Automaton.h | |
LTLPlanner.h | |
LTLProblemDefinition.h | |
LTLSpaceInformation.h | |
ProductGraph.h | |
PropositionalDecomposition.h | |
World.h | |
► pdst | |
► src | |
PDST.cpp | |
PDST.h | |
► rrt | |
► src | |
RRT.cpp | |
RRT.h | |
► sst | |
► src | |
SST.cpp | |
SST.h | |
► syclop | |
► src | |
GridDecomposition.cpp | |
Syclop.cpp | |
SyclopEST.cpp | |
SyclopRRT.cpp | |
Decomposition.h | |
GridDecomposition.h | |
Syclop.h | |
SyclopEST.h | |
SyclopRRT.h | |
PlannerIncludes.h | |
► spaces | |
► src | |
DiscreteControlSpace.cpp | |
RealVectorControlSpace.cpp | |
DiscreteControlSpace.h | |
RealVectorControlSpace.h | |
► src | |
ControlSampler.cpp | |
ControlSpace.cpp | |
PathControl.cpp | |
PlannerData.cpp | |
PlannerDataStorage.cpp | |
SimpleDirectedControlSampler.cpp | |
SimpleSetup.cpp | |
SpaceInformation.cpp | |
Control.h | |
ControlSampler.h | |
ControlSpace.h | |
ControlSpaceTypes.h | |
DirectedControlSampler.h | |
ODESolver.h | |
PathControl.h | |
PlannerData.h | |
PlannerDataStorage.h | |
SimpleDirectedControlSampler.h | |
SimpleSetup.h | |
SpaceInformation.h | |
StatePropagator.h | |
SteeredControlSampler.h | |
► datastructures | |
► src | |
AdjacencyList.cpp | |
AdjacencyList.h | |
BinaryHeap.h | |
DynamicSSSP.h | |
GreedyKCenters.h | |
Grid.h | |
GridB.h | |
GridN.h | |
LPAstarOnGraph.h | |
NearestNeighbors.h | |
NearestNeighborsFLANN.h | |
NearestNeighborsGNAT.h | |
NearestNeighborsGNATNoThreadSafety.h | |
NearestNeighborsLinear.h | |
NearestNeighborsSqrtApprox.h | |
PDF.h | |
Permutation.h | |
► extensions | |
► morse | |
► src | |
MorseControlSpace.cpp | |
MorseEnvironment.cpp | |
MorseGoal.cpp | |
MorseProjection.cpp | |
MorseSimpleSetup.cpp | |
MorseStatePropagator.cpp | |
MorseStateSpace.cpp | |
MorseStateValidityChecker.cpp | |
MorseControlSpace.h | |
MorseEnvironment.h | |
MorseGoal.h | |
MorseProjection.h | |
MorseSimpleSetup.h | |
MorseStatePropagator.h | |
MorseStateSpace.h | |
MorseStateValidityChecker.h | |
MorseTerminationCondition.h | |
► ode | |
► src | |
OpenDEControlSpace.cpp | |
OpenDEEnvironment.cpp | |
OpenDESimpleSetup.cpp | |
OpenDEStatePropagator.cpp | |
OpenDEStateSpace.cpp | |
OpenDEStateValidityChecker.cpp | |
OpenDEControlSpace.h | |
OpenDEEnvironment.h | |
OpenDESimpleSetup.h | |
OpenDEStatePropagator.h | |
OpenDEStateSpace.h | |
OpenDEStateValidityChecker.h | |
► triangle | |
► src | |
PropositionalTriangularDecomposition.cpp | |
TriangularDecomposition.cpp | |
PropositionalTriangularDecomposition.h | |
TriangularDecomposition.h | |
► geometric | |
► planners | |
► cforest | |
► src | |
CForest.cpp | |
CForestStateSampler.cpp | |
CForestStateSpaceWrapper.cpp | |
CForest.h | |
CForestStateSampler.h | |
CForestStateSpaceWrapper.h | |
► est | |
► src | |
BiEST.cpp | |
EST.cpp | |
ProjEST.cpp | |
BiEST.h | |
EST.h | |
ProjEST.h | |
► experience | |
► src | |
LightningRetrieveRepair.cpp | |
ThunderRetrieveRepair.cpp | |
LightningRetrieveRepair.h | |
ThunderRetrieveRepair.h | |
► fmt | |
► src | |
BFMT.cpp | |
FMT.cpp | |
BFMT.h | |
FMT.h | |
► informedtrees | |
► aitstar | |
► src | |
Edge.cpp | |
ImplicitGraph.cpp | |
Vertex.cpp | |
Edge.h | |
ImplicitGraph.h | |
Queuetypes.h | |
Vertex.h | |
► bitstar | |
► src | |
ImplicitGraph.cpp | |
SearchQueue.cpp | |
Vertex.cpp | |
CostHelper.h | |
HelperFunctions.h | |
IdGenerator.h | |
ImplicitGraph.h | |
SearchQueue.h | |
Vertex.h | |
► src | |
ABITstar.cpp | |
AITstar.cpp | |
BITstar.cpp | |
ABITstar.h | |
AITstar.h | |
BITstar.h | |
► kpiece | |
► src | |
BKPIECE1.cpp | |
KPIECE1.cpp | |
LBKPIECE1.cpp | |
BKPIECE1.h | |
Discretization.h | |
KPIECE1.h | |
► pdst | |
► src | |
PDST.cpp | |
PDST.h | |
► prm | |
► src | |
LazyPRM.cpp | |
LazyPRMstar.cpp | |
PRM.cpp | |
PRMstar.cpp | |
SPARS.cpp | |
SPARStwo.cpp | |
ConnectionStrategy.h | |
LazyPRM.h | |
LazyPRMstar.h | |
PRM.h | |
PRMstar.h | |
SPARS.h | |
SPARStwo.h | |
► rlrt | |
► src | |
BiRLRT.cpp | |
RLRT.cpp | |
BiRLRT.h | |
RLRT.h | |
► rrt | |
► src | |
BiTRRT.cpp | |
InformedRRTstar.cpp | |
LazyLBTRRT.cpp | |
LazyRRT.cpp | |
LBTRRT.cpp | |
pRRT.cpp | |
RRT.cpp | |
RRTConnect.cpp | |
RRTsharp.cpp | |
RRTstar.cpp | |
RRTXstatic.cpp | |
SORRTstar.cpp | |
STRRTstar.cpp | |
TRRT.cpp | |
TSRRT.cpp | |
VFRRT.cpp | |
BiTRRT.h | |
InformedRRTstar.h | |
LazyLBTRRT.h | |
LazyRRT.h | |
LBTRRT.h | |
pRRT.h | |
RRT.h | |
RRTConnect.h | |
RRTsharp.h | |
RRTstar.h | |
RRTXstatic.h | |
SORRTstar.h | |
STRRTstar.h | |
TRRT.h | |
TSRRT.h | |
VFRRT.h | |
► sbl | |
► src | |
pSBL.cpp | |
SBL.cpp | |
pSBL.h | |
SBL.h | |
► sst | |
► src | |
SST.cpp | |
SST.h | |
► stride | |
► src | |
STRIDE.cpp | |
STRIDE.h | |
► xxl | |
► src | |
XXL.cpp | |
XXLPlanarDecomposition.cpp | |
XXLPositionDecomposition.cpp | |
XXL.h | |
XXLDecomposition.h | |
XXLPlanarDecomposition.h | |
XXLPositionDecomposition.h | |
AnytimePathShortening.cpp | |
AnytimePathShortening.h | |
PlannerIncludes.h | |
► src | |
GeneticSearch.cpp | |
HillClimbing.cpp | |
PathGeometric.cpp | |
PathHybridization.cpp | |
PathSimplifier.cpp | |
SimpleSetup.cpp | |
GeneticSearch.h | |
HillClimbing.h | |
PathGeometric.h | |
PathHybridization.h | |
PathSimplifier.h | |
SimpleSetup.h | |
► multilevel | |
► datastructures | |
► graphsampler | |
► src | |
GraphSampler.cpp | |
RandomDegreeVertex.cpp | |
RandomEdge.cpp | |
RandomVertex.cpp | |
GraphSampler.h | |
RandomDegreeVertex.h | |
RandomEdge.h | |
RandomVertex.h | |
► importance | |
► src | |
Exponential.cpp | |
Greedy.cpp | |
Uniform.cpp | |
BundleSpaceImportance.h | |
Exponential.h | |
Greedy.h | |
Uniform.h | |
► metrics | |
► src | |
BundleSpaceMetric.cpp | |
Geodesic.cpp | |
BundleSpaceMetric.h | |
Geodesic.h | |
► pathrestriction | |
► src | |
FindSection.cpp | |
FindSectionSideStep.cpp | |
Head.cpp | |
PathRestriction.cpp | |
PathSection.cpp | |
FindSection.h | |
FindSectionSideStep.h | |
FindSectionTypes.h | |
Head.h | |
HeadAnalyzer.h | |
PathRestriction.h | |
PathSection.h | |
► projections | |
► src | |
EmptySet.cpp | |
FiberedProjection.cpp | |
Identity.cpp | |
None.cpp | |
Relaxation.cpp | |
RN_RM.cpp | |
RNSO2_RN.cpp | |
SE2_R2.cpp | |
SE2RN_R2.cpp | |
SE3_R3.cpp | |
SE3RN_R3.cpp | |
SO2N_SO2M.cpp | |
XRN_X.cpp | |
XRN_X_SE2.cpp | |
XRN_X_SE3.cpp | |
XRN_X_SO2.cpp | |
XRN_X_SO3.cpp | |
XRN_XRM.cpp | |
XRN_XRM_SE2.cpp | |
XRN_XRM_SE3.cpp | |
XRN_XRM_SO2.cpp | |
XRN_XRM_SO3.cpp | |
EmptySet.h | |
FiberedProjection.h | |
Identity.h | |
None.h | |
Relaxation.h | |
RN_RM.h | |
RNSO2_RN.h | |
SE2_R2.h | |
SE2RN_R2.h | |
SE3_R3.h | |
SE3RN_R3.h | |
SO2N_SO2M.h | |
XRN_X.h | |
XRN_X_SE2.h | |
XRN_X_SE3.h | |
XRN_X_SO2.h | |
XRN_X_SO3.h | |
XRN_XRM.h | |
XRN_XRM_SE2.h | |
XRN_XRM_SE3.h | |
XRN_XRM_SO2.h | |
XRN_XRM_SO3.h | |
► propagators | |
► src | |
BundleSpacePropagator.cpp | |
Geometric.cpp | |
BundleSpacePropagator.h | |
Geometric.h | |
► src | |
BundleSpace.cpp | |
BundleSpaceGraph.cpp | |
PlannerDataVertexAnnotated.cpp | |
PlannerMultiLevel.cpp | |
Projection.cpp | |
ProjectionFactory.cpp | |
BundleSpace.h | |
BundleSpaceGraph.h | |
BundleSpaceSequence.h | |
BundleSpaceSequenceImpl.h | |
Parameter.h | |
ParameterExponentialDecay.h | |
ParameterSmoothStep.h | |
PlannerDataVertexAnnotated.h | |
PlannerMultiLevel.h | |
Projection.h | |
ProjectionFactory.h | |
ProjectionTypes.h | |
► planners | |
► qmp | |
► src | |
QMPImpl.cpp | |
QMPStarImpl.cpp | |
QMP.h | |
QMPImpl.h | |
QMPStar.h | |
QMPStarImpl.h | |
► qrrt | |
► src | |
QRRTImpl.cpp | |
QRRTStarImpl.cpp | |
QRRT.h | |
QRRTImpl.h | |
QRRTStar.h | |
QRRTStarImpl.h | |
► tools | |
► benchmark | |
► src | |
Benchmark.cpp | |
MachineSpecs.cpp | |
Benchmark.h | |
MachineSpecs.h | |
► config | |
► src | |
SelfConfig.cpp | |
MagicConstants.h | |
SelfConfig.h | |
► debug | |
► src | |
PlannerMonitor.cpp | |
Profiler.cpp | |
PlannerMonitor.h | |
Profiler.h | |
► experience | |
► src | |
ExperienceSetup.cpp | |
ExperienceSetup.h | |
► lightning | |
► src | |
DynamicTimeWarp.cpp | |
Lightning.cpp | |
LightningDB.cpp | |
DynamicTimeWarp.h | |
Lightning.h | |
LightningDB.h | |
► multiplan | |
► src | |
OptimizePlan.cpp | |
ParallelPlan.cpp | |
OptimizePlan.h | |
ParallelPlan.h | |
► thunder | |
► src | |
SPARSdb.cpp | |
Thunder.cpp | |
ThunderDB.cpp | |
SPARSdb.h | |
Thunder.h | |
ThunderDB.h | |
► util | |
► src | |
Console.cpp | |
GeometricEquations.cpp | |
PPM.cpp | |
ProlateHyperspheroid.cpp | |
RandomNumbers.cpp | |
String.cpp | |
Time.cpp | |
ClassForward.h | |
Console.h | |
DisableCompilerWarning.h | |
Exception.h | |
GeometricEquations.h | |
Hash.h | |
PPM.h | |
ProlateHyperspheroid.h | |
RandomNumbers.h | |
String.h | |
Time.h | |