void setDefaultConnectionStrategy()
Definition: LazyPRM.cpp:230
std::shared_ptr< NearestNeighbors< Vertex > > RoadmapNeighbors
A nearest neighbors data structure for roadmap vertices.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:165
unsigned long int componentCount_
Number of connected components created so far. This is used as an ID only, does not represent the act...
Definition: LazyPRM.h:392
void clear() override
Clear all internal datastructures. Planner settings are not affected. Subsequent calls to solve() wil...
Definition: LazyPRM.cpp:268
A shared pointer wrapper for ompl::base::Path.
std::map< unsigned long int, unsigned long int > componentSize_
The number of elements in each component in the LazyPRM roadmap.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:395
static const unsigned int VALIDITY_UNKNOWN
Flag indicating validity of an edge of a vertex.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:286
Vertex addMilestone(base::State *state)
Construct a milestone for a given state (state), store it in the nearest neighbors data structure and...
Definition: LazyPRM.cpp:288
void setMaxNearestNeighbors(unsigned int k)
Convenience function that sets the connection strategy to the default one with k nearest neighbors.
Definition: LazyPRM.cpp:212
boost::property_map< Graph, vertex_component_t >::type vertexComponentProperty_
Access the connected component of a vertex.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:382
void setup() override
Perform extra configuration steps, if needed. This call will also issue a call to ompl::base::SpaceIn...
Definition: LazyPRM.cpp:156
void setConnectionFilter(const ConnectionFilter &connectionFilter)
Set the function that can reject a milestone connection.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:250
LazyPRM(const base::SpaceInformationPtr &si, bool starStrategy=false)
Definition: LazyPRM.cpp:67
unsigned long int edgeCount() const
Return the number of edges currently in the graph.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:262
boost::property_map< Graph, vertex_state_t >::type stateProperty_
Access to the internal base::state at each Vertex.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:376
void setRange(double distance)
Set the maximum length of a motion to be added to the roadmap.
Definition: LazyPRM.cpp:203
base::PlannerStatus solve(const base::PlannerTerminationCondition &ptc) override
Function that can solve the motion planning problem. This function can be called multiple times on th...
Definition: LazyPRM.cpp:314
boost::property_map< Graph, boost::edge_weight_t >::type weightProperty_
Access to the weights of each Edge.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:379
base::OptimizationObjectivePtr opt_
Objective cost function for PRM graph edges.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:398
Definition of a cost value. Can represent the cost of a motion or the cost of a state.
Definition: Cost.h:111
boost::graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor Edge
The type for an edge in the roadmap.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:162
Object containing planner generated vertex and edge data. It is assumed that all vertices are unique,...
Definition: PlannerData.h:238
boost::property_map< Graph, edge_flags_t >::type edgeValidityProperty_
Access the validity state of an edge.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:388
Encapsulate a termination condition for a motion planner. Planners will call operator() to decide whe...
Definition: PlannerTerminationCondition.h:127
std::function< bool(const Vertex &, const Vertex &)> ConnectionFilter
A function that can reject connections.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:176
A class to store the exit status of Planner::solve()
Definition: PlannerStatus.h:112
boost::adjacency_list< boost::vecS, boost::listS, boost::undirectedS, boost::property< vertex_state_t, base::State *, boost::property< boost::vertex_index_t, unsigned long int, boost::property< vertex_flags_t, unsigned int, boost::property< vertex_component_t, unsigned long int, boost::property< boost::vertex_predecessor_t, Vertex, boost::property< boost::vertex_rank_t, unsigned long int > >> >> >, boost::property< boost::edge_weight_t, base::Cost, boost::property< edge_flags_t, unsigned int > >> Graph
The underlying roadmap graph.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:159
void setConnectionStrategy(const ConnectionStrategy &connectionStrategy)
Set the connection strategy function that specifies the milestones that connection attempts will be m...
Definition: LazyPRM.h:224
static const unsigned int VALIDITY_TRUE
Flag indicating validity of an edge of a vertex.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:289
long int solutionComponent(std::pair< std::size_t, std::size_t > *startGoalPair) const
Check if any pair of a start state and goal state are part of the same connected component....
Definition: LazyPRM.cpp:470
boost::property_map< Graph, boost::vertex_index_t >::type indexProperty_
Access to the internal base::state at each Vertex.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:373
boost::property_map< Graph, vertex_flags_t >::type vertexValidityProperty_
Access the validity state of a vertex.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:385
std::function< const std::vector< Vertex > &(const Vertex)> ConnectionStrategy
A function returning the milestones that should be attempted to connect to.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:169
double distanceFunction(const Vertex a, const Vertex b) const
Compute distance between two milestones (this is simply distance between the states of the milestones...
Definition: LazyPRM.h:332
bool userSetConnectionStrategy_
Flag indicating whether the employed connection strategy was set by the user (or defaults are assumed...
Definition: LazyPRM.h:352
ConnectionStrategy connectionStrategy_
Function that returns the milestones to attempt connections with.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:345
void clearQuery() override
Clear the query previously loaded from the ProblemDefinition. Subsequent calls to solve() will reuse ...
Definition: LazyPRM.cpp:253
ompl::base::PathPtr constructSolution(const Vertex &start, const Vertex &goal)
Given two milestones from the same connected component, construct a path connecting them and set it a...
Definition: LazyPRM.cpp:488
boost::adjacency_list_traits< boost::vecS, boost::listS, boost::undirectedS >::vertex_descriptor Vertex
The type for a vertex in the roadmap.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:130
unsigned long int milestoneCount() const
Return the number of milestones currently in the graph.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:256
ConnectionFilter connectionFilter_
Function that can reject a milestone connection.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:348
base::StateSamplerPtr sampler_
Sampler user for generating random in the state space.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:358
void getPlannerData(base::PlannerData &data) const override
Get information about the current run of the motion planner. Repeated calls to this function will upd...
Definition: LazyPRM.cpp:620
base::Cost costHeuristic(Vertex u, Vertex v) const
Given two vertices, returns a heuristic on the cost of the path connecting them. This method wraps Op...
Definition: LazyPRM.cpp:615
void clearValidity()
change the validity flag of each node and edge to VALIDITY_UNKNOWN
Definition: LazyPRM.cpp:260
Main namespace. Contains everything in this library.
Definition: MultiLevelPlanarManipulatorDemo.cpp:65
bool starStrategy_
Flag indicating whether the default connection strategy is the Star strategy.
Definition: LazyPRM.h:342