ompl Namespace Reference

Main namespace. Contains everything in this library. More...


 This namespace contains sampling based planning routines shared by both planning under geometric constraints (geometric) and planning under differential constraints (dynamic)
 This namespace contains sampling based planning routines used by planning under differential constraints.
 This namespace contains code that is specific to planning under geometric constraints.
 This namespace contains routines that read specifications of the machine in use.
 This namespace includes magic constants used in various places in OMPL.
 Message namespace. This contains classes needed to output error messages (or logging) from within the library. Message logging can be performed with logging macros.
 This namespace contains datastructures and planners to exploit multilevel abstractions, which you have to specify using a sequence of SpaceInformationPtr (each with their own StateValidityChecker).
 Namespace containing time datatypes and time operations.
 Includes various tools such as self config, benchmarking, etc.


class  AdjacencyList
class  BinaryHeap
 This class provides an implementation of an updatable min-heap. Using it is a bit cumbersome, as it requires keeping track of the BinaryHeap::Element* type, however, it should be as fast as it gets with an updatable heap. More...
class  DynamicSSSP
class  Exception
 The exception type for ompl. More...
class  FLANNDistance
 Wrapper class to allow FLANN access to the NearestNeighbors::distFun_ callback function. More...
class  GreedyKCenters
 An instance of this class can be used to greedily select a given number of representatives from a set of data points that are all far apart from each other. More...
class  Grid
 Representation of a simple grid. More...
class  GridB
 This class defines a grid that keeps track of its boundary: it distinguishes between interior and exterior cells.
class  GridN
 Representation of a grid where cells keep track of how many neighbors they have. More...
class  LPAstarOnGraph
class  NearestNeighbors
 Abstract representation of a container that can perform nearest neighbors queries. More...
class  NearestNeighborsFLANN
 Wrapper class for nearest neighbor data structures in the FLANN library. More...
class  NearestNeighborsFLANNHierarchicalClustering
class  NearestNeighborsFLANNLinear
class  NearestNeighborsGNAT
 Geometric Near-neighbor Access Tree (GNAT), a data structure for nearest neighbor search. More...
class  NearestNeighborsGNATNoThreadSafety
 Geometric Near-neighbor Access Tree (GNAT), a data structure for nearest neighbor search. More...
class  NearestNeighborsLinear
 A nearest neighbors datastructure that uses linear search. More...
class  NearestNeighborsSqrtApprox
 A nearest neighbors datastructure that uses linear search. The linear search is done over sqrt(n) elements only. (Every sqrt(n) elements are skipped). More...
class  Parameter
 Parameter represents a smooth interpolation between two parameter values, namely valueInit and valueTarget. The default class keeps a counter to track how often it was called. Starting at counterInit we then count towards counterTarget and smoothly interpolate parameter values inbetween. More...
class  ParameterExponentialDecay
 ParameterExponentialDecay represents a smooth interpolation between two parameter values using an exponential decay as interpolation. This decay depends on a paramter lambda, which can be tuned to either converge slow or fast to valueTarget. More...
class  ParameterSmoothStep
 ParameterSmoothStep represents a smooth interpolation between two parameter values using a hermite polynomial interpolation. More...
class  PDF
 A container that supports probabilistic sampling over weighted data. More...
class  Permutation
 A permutation of indices into an array. More...
class  PPM
 Load and save .ppm files - "portable pixmap format" an image file formats designed to be easily exchanged between platforms. More...
class  ProlateHyperspheroid
 A class describing a prolate hyperspheroid, a special symmetric type of n-dimensional ellipse, for use in direct informed sampling for problems seeking to minimize path length. More...
class  RNG
 Random number generation. An instance of this class cannot be used by multiple threads at once (member functions are not const). However, the constructor is thread safe and different instances can be used safely in any number of threads. It is also guaranteed that all created instances will have a different random seed. More...


double nBallMeasure (unsigned int N, double r)
 The Lebesgue measure (i.e., "volume") of an n-dimensional ball of given radius.
double unitNBallMeasure (unsigned int N)
 The Lebesgue measure (i.e., "volume") of an n-dimensional ball with a unit radius.
double prolateHyperspheroidMeasure (unsigned int N, double dFoci, double dTransverse)
 The Lebesgue measure (i.e., "volume") of an n-dimensional prolate hyperspheroid (a symmetric hyperellipse) given as the distance between the foci and the transverse diameter.
template<class T >
void hash_combine (std::size_t &seed, const T &v)
float stof (const std::string &str)
 convert string to float using classic "C" locale semantics
double stod (const std::string &str)
 convert string to double using classic "C" locale semantics
long double stold (const std::string &str)
 convert string to long double using classic "C" locale semantics
std::string toString (float val)
 convert float to string using classic "C" locale semantics
std::string toString (double val)
 convert double to string using classic "C" locale semantics
std::string toString (long double val)
 convert long double to string using classic "C" locale semantics

Detailed Description

Main namespace. Contains everything in this library.