74 void sampleFullState(const ob::StateSamplerPtr& sampler, const std::vector<double>& coord, ob::State* s) const override
82 void addObstaclesAndPropositions(std::shared_ptr<oc::PropositionalTriangularDecomposition> &decomp)
145 void propagate(const ob::State *start, const oc::Control *control, const double duration, ob::State *result)
A state space representing SO(2). The distance function and interpolation take into account angle wra...
Definition: SO2StateSpace.h:127
const T * as(unsigned int index) const
Cast a component of this instance to a desired type.
Definition: State.h:159
This namespace contains sampling based planning routines shared by both planning under geometric cons...
Definition: ConstrainedSpaceInformation.h:86
PropositionalTriangularDecomposition(const base::RealVectorBounds &bounds, const std::vector< Polygon > &holes=std::vector< Polygon >(), const std::vector< Polygon > &props=std::vector< Polygon >())
Creates a PropositionalTriangularDecomposition over the given bounds, which must be 2-dimensional....
Definition: PropositionalTriangularDecomposition.cpp:76
void enforceBounds(State *state) const override
Normalize the value of the state to the interval [-Pi, Pi)
Definition: SO2StateSpace.cpp:80
A PropositionalTriangularDecomposition is a triangulation that ignores obstacles and respects proposi...
Definition: PropositionalTriangularDecomposition.h:122
ompl::base::State StateType
Define the type of state allocated by this space.
Definition: StateSpace.h:142
static AutomatonPtr AvoidanceAutomaton(unsigned int numProps, const std::vector< unsigned int > &avoidProps)
Returns an avoidance automaton, which rejects when any one of the given list of propositions becomes ...
Definition: Automaton.cpp:382
ompl::control::Control ControlType
Define the type of control allocated by this control space.
Definition: ControlSpace.h:131
void sampleFullState(const base::StateSamplerPtr &sampler, const std::vector< double > &coord, base::State *s) const override
Samples a State using a projected coordinate and a StateSampler.
Definition: PropositionalDecomposition.cpp:83
A planner for generating system trajectories to satisfy a logical specification given by an automaton...
Definition: LTLPlanner.h:122
A class to store the exit status of Planner::solve()
Definition: PlannerStatus.h:112
std::chrono::system_clock::duration duration
Representation of a time duration.
Definition: Time.h:119
ompl::base::CompoundState StateType
Define the type of state allocated by this state space.
Definition: StateSpace.h:641
This namespace contains sampling based planning routines used by planning under differential constrai...
Definition: Control.h:76
Space information containing necessary information for planning with controls. setup() needs to be ca...
Definition: SpaceInformation.h:134
static AutomatonPtr SequenceAutomaton(unsigned int numProps, const std::vector< unsigned int > &seqProps)
Helper function to return a sequence automaton. Assumes all propositions are mutually exclusive.
Definition: Automaton.cpp:340
void project(const base::State *s, std::vector< double > &coord) const override
Project a given State to a set of coordinates in R^k, where k is the dimension of this Decomposition.
Definition: PropositionalDecomposition.cpp:68
The lower and upper bounds for an Rn space.
Definition: RealVectorBounds.h:111