The class ownership diagram above shows the relationship between the essential base classes in OMPL. For example, SpaceInformation owns a StateSpace; Planner does not own SpaceInformation, although a Planner does know about the SpaceInformation, and uses provided functionality. Users are encouraged to use the SimpleSetup class (ompl::geometric::SimpleSetup or ompl::control::SimpleSetup). With this class, it is only necessary to instantiate a ompl::base::StateSpace object, a ompl::control::ControlSpace object (when planning with differential constraints, i.e., planning with controls), and a ompl::base::StateValidityChecker object. Many common state spaces have already been implemented as derived StateSpace classes. See a list here.
All static, non-member or const member functions are thread safe. Calling member functions that are not const in multiple threads simultaneously is unsafe and locks should be used.
Memory management
For all base classes Class, a ClassPtr type is defined as well. ClassPtr is in fact a shared pointer for Class:
class Class;
using ClassPtr = std::shared_ptr<Class>;
The code above is generated by the OMPL_CLASS_FORWARD macro defined in ompl/util/ClassForward.h:
Often the user is required to operate with *Ptr variables, in order to ensure all memory is freed at the termination of the program without explicitly calling delete. For some classes internal to the library, a C-style pointer is maintained instead of the *Ptr variable to avoid cyclic dependencies (which prevent memory de-allocation).