ompl::geometric::BITstar::SearchQueue Class Reference

A queue of edges, sorted according to a sort key. More...

#include <ompl/geometric/planners/informedtrees/bitstar/SearchQueue.h>

Public Types

using SortKey = std::array< ompl::base::Cost, 3u >
 A triplet of costs, i.e., the edge queue sorting key.
using SortKeyAndVertexPtrPair = std::pair< SortKey, VertexPtrPair >
 The data stored in the edge-queue binary heap.
using EdgeComparisonFunction = std::function< bool(const SortKeyAndVertexPtrPair &, const SortKeyAndVertexPtrPair &)>
 The function signature of the sorting function for the Edge Queue.
using EdgeQueue = ompl::BinaryHeap< SortKeyAndVertexPtrPair, EdgeComparisonFunction >
 The underlying edge queue. Using static keys for the same reason as the Vertex Queue.
using EdgeQueueElemPtr = EdgeQueue::Element *
 An element pointer into the edge queue binary heap.
using EdgeQueueElemPtrVector = std::vector< EdgeQueueElemPtr >
 A vector of edge queue pointers.

Public Member Functions

 SearchQueue (NameFunc nameFunc)
 Construct a search queue. It must be setup before use.
virtual ~SearchQueue ()=default
 Destruct the search queue using the default deconstructor.
void setup (CostHelper *costHelpPtr, ImplicitGraph *graphPtr)
 Setup the SearchQueue, must be called before use.
void reset ()
 Reset the queue to the state of construction.
void enableCascadingRewirings (bool enable)
 Set whether cascading of rewirings is enabled.
void insertOutgoingEdges (const VertexPtr &vertex)
 Update the edge queue by adding all the potential edges from the vertex to nearby states.
void insertOutgoingEdgesOfStartVertices ()
 Insert the outgoing edges of all start vertices.
void insertOutgoingEdgesOfInconsistentVertices ()
 Insert the outgoing edges of all inconsistent vertices.
void addToInconsistentSet (const VertexPtr &vertex)
 Add a vertex to the set of inconsistent vertices.
VertexPtrPair getFrontEdge ()
 Get the best edge on the queue, leaving it at the front of the edge queue.
SortKey getFrontEdgeValue ()
 Get the value of the best edge on the queue, leaving it at the front of the edge queue.
VertexPtrPair popFrontEdge ()
 Pop the best edge off the queue, removing it from the front of the edge queue in the process.
void clear ()
 Finish the queue if it is sorted, if not resort the queue. Finishing the queue clears all the edge containers and moves the vertex expansion token to the end. After calling finish() ON A SORTED QUEUE, isEmpty() will return true. Keeps threshold, etc.
void clearInconsistentSet ()
 Clear the set of inconsistent vertices.
void rebuildEdgeQueue ()
 Update all the sort keys of the edges in the queue and resort.
void update (const EdgeQueueElemPtr elementPtr)
 Update the sort key of a particular edge and its position in the queue.
void setInflationFactor (double factor)
 Set the cost-to-go inflation factor.
void registerSolutionCost (const ompl::base::Cost &solutionCost)
 Mark that a solution has been found.
void removeInEdgesConnectedToVertexFromQueue (const VertexPtr &vertex)
 Erase all edges in the edge queue that lead to the given vertex.
void removeOutEdgesConnectedToVertexFromQueue (const VertexPtr &vertex)
 Erase all edges in the edge queue that leave from the given vertex.
void removeAllEdgesConnectedToVertexFromQueue (const VertexPtr &vertex)
 Erase all edges in the edge queue that are connected to the given vertex.
void removeFromInconsistentSet (const VertexPtr &vertex)
 Remove a vertex from the set of inconsistent vertices.
double getInflationFactor () const
 Get the cost-to-go inflation factor.
std::shared_ptr< const unsigned int > getSearchId () const
 Allow access to the current search id.
bool canPossiblyImproveCurrentSolution (const VertexPtr &state) const
 The condition used to insert vertices into the queue. Compares lowerBoundHeuristicVertex to the given threshold. Returns true if the vertex's best cost is lower than the internally set threshold.
bool canPossiblyImproveCurrentSolution (const VertexPtrPair &edge) const
 The condition used to insert edges into the queue. Compares lowerBoundHeuristicEdge to the given threshold. Returns true if the edge's best cost is lower than the internally set threshold.
unsigned int numEdges ()
 Returns the number of edges in the queue. Will resort/expand the queue if necessary.
bool isEmpty ()
 Returns true if the queue is empty. In the case where the edge queue is empty but the vertex queue is not, this function will expand vertices until the edge queue is not empty or there are no vertices to expand.
void getEdges (VertexConstPtrPairVector *edgeQueue)
 Get a copy of the edge queue. This is expensive and is only meant for animations/debugging.
unsigned int numEdgesPopped () const
 The number of edges popped off the queue for processing (numEdgesPopped_).

Detailed Description

A queue of edges, sorted according to a sort key.

Short Description
A search queue holding edges ordered on a sort key, i.e., a cost triple with a lexicographical comparison. The queue is implemented as a binary heap.

Definition at line 128 of file SearchQueue.h.

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