ompl::control::LTLProblemDefinition Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for ompl::control::LTLProblemDefinition:

Public Member Functions

 LTLProblemDefinition (const control::LTLSpaceInformationPtr &ltlsi)
void addLowerStartState (const base::State *s)
base::PathPtr getLowerSolutionPath () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ompl::base::ProblemDefinition
 ProblemDefinition (const ProblemDefinition &)=delete
ProblemDefinitionoperator= (const ProblemDefinition &)=delete
 ProblemDefinition (SpaceInformationPtr si)
 Create a problem definition given the SpaceInformation it is part of.
ProblemDefinitionPtr clone () const
 Return a copy of the problem definition. More...
const SpaceInformationPtrgetSpaceInformation () const
 Get the space information this problem definition is for.
void addStartState (const State *state)
 Add a start state. The state is copied.
void addStartState (const ScopedState<> &state)
 Add a start state. The state is copied. More...
bool hasStartState (const State *state, unsigned int *startIndex=nullptr) const
 Check whether a specified starting state is already included in the problem definition and optionally return the index of that starting state.
void clearStartStates ()
 Clear all start states (memory is freed)
unsigned int getStartStateCount () const
 Returns the number of start states.
const StategetStartState (unsigned int index) const
 Returns a specific start state.
StategetStartState (unsigned int index)
 Returns a specific start state. More...
void setGoal (const GoalPtr &goal)
 Set the goal.
void clearGoal ()
 Clear the goal. Memory is freed.
const GoalPtrgetGoal () const
 Return the current goal.
void getInputStates (std::vector< const State * > &states) const
 Get all the input states. This includes start states and states that are part of goal regions that can be casted as ompl::base::GoalState or ompl::base::GoalStates.
void setStartAndGoalStates (const State *start, const State *goal, double threshold=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon())
 In the simplest case possible, we have a single starting state and a single goal state. More...
void setGoalState (const State *goal, double threshold=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon())
 A simple form of setting the goal. This is called by setStartAndGoalStates(). A more general form is setGoal()
void setStartAndGoalStates (const ScopedState<> &start, const ScopedState<> &goal, const double threshold=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon())
 In the simplest case possible, we have a single starting state and a single goal state. More...
void setGoalState (const ScopedState<> &goal, const double threshold=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon())
 A simple form of setting the goal. This is called by setStartAndGoalStates(). A more general form is setGoal() More...
bool hasOptimizationObjective () const
 Check if an optimization objective was defined for planning

const OptimizationObjectivePtrgetOptimizationObjective () const
 Get the optimization objective to be considered during planning.
void setOptimizationObjective (const OptimizationObjectivePtr &optimizationObjective)
 Set the optimization objective to be considered during planning.
const ReportIntermediateSolutionFngetIntermediateSolutionCallback () const
 When this function returns a valid function pointer, that function should be called by planners that compute intermediate solutions every time a better solution is found.
void setIntermediateSolutionCallback (const ReportIntermediateSolutionFn &callback)
 Set the callback to be called by planners that can compute intermediate solutions.
bool isTrivial (unsigned int *startIndex=nullptr, double *distance=nullptr) const
 A problem is trivial if a given starting state already in the goal region, so we need no motion planning. startID will be set to the index of the starting state that satisfies the goal. The distance to the goal can optionally be returned as well.
PathPtr isStraightLinePathValid () const
 Check if a straight line path is valid. If it is, return an instance of a path that represents the straight line. More...
bool fixInvalidInputStates (double distStart, double distGoal, unsigned int attempts)
 Many times the start or goal state will barely touch an obstacle. In this case, we may want to automatically find a nearby state that is valid so motion planning can be performed. This function enables this behaviour. The allowed distance for both start and goal states is specified. The number of attempts is also specified. Returns true if all states are valid after completion.
bool hasSolution () const
 Returns true if a solution path has been found (could be approximate)
bool hasExactSolution () const
 Returns true if an exact solution path has been found. Specifically returns hasSolution && !hasApproximateSolution()
bool hasApproximateSolution () const
 Return true if the top found solution is approximate (does not actually reach the desired goal, but hopefully is closer to it)
double getSolutionDifference () const
 Get the distance to the desired goal for the top solution. Return -1.0 if there are no solutions available.
bool hasOptimizedSolution () const
 Return true if the top found solution is optimized (satisfies the specified optimization objective)
PathPtr getSolutionPath () const
 Return the top solution path, if one is found. The top path is a shortest path that was found, preference being given to solutions that are not approximate. More...
bool getSolution (PlannerSolution &solution) const
 Return true if a top solution is found, with the top solution passed by reference in the function header The top path is a shortest path that was found, preference being given to solutions that are not approximate. This will need to be casted into the specialization computed by the planner.
void addSolutionPath (const PathPtr &path, bool approximate=false, double difference=-1.0, const std::string &plannerName="Unknown") const
 Add a solution path in a thread-safe manner. Multiple solutions can be set for a goal. If a solution does not reach the desired goal it is considered approximate. Optionally, the distance between the desired goal and the one actually achieved is set by difference. Optionally, the name of the planner that generated the solution.
void addSolutionPath (const PlannerSolution &sol) const
 Add a solution path in a thread-safe manner. Multiple solutions can be set for a goal.
std::size_t getSolutionCount () const
 Get the number of solutions already found.
std::vector< PlannerSolutiongetSolutions () const
 Get all the solution paths available for this goal.
void clearSolutionPaths () const
 Forget the solution paths (thread safe). Memory is freed.
bool hasSolutionNonExistenceProof () const
 Returns true if the problem definition has a proof of non existence for a solution.
void clearSolutionNonExistenceProof ()
 Removes any existing instance of SolutionNonExistenceProof.
const SolutionNonExistenceProofPtrgetSolutionNonExistenceProof () const
 Retrieve a pointer to the SolutionNonExistenceProof instance for this problem definition.
void setSolutionNonExistenceProof (const SolutionNonExistenceProofPtr &nonExistenceProof)
 Set the instance of SolutionNonExistenceProof for this problem definition.
void print (std::ostream &out=std::cout) const
 Print information about the start and goal states and the optimization objective.

Protected Member Functions

void createGoal ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ompl::base::ProblemDefinition
bool fixInvalidInputState (State *state, double dist, bool start, unsigned int attempts)
 Helper function for fixInvalidInputStates(). Attempts to fix an individual state.

Protected Attributes

LTLSpaceInformationPtr ltlsi_
- Protected Attributes inherited from ompl::base::ProblemDefinition
SpaceInformationPtr si_
 The space information this problem definition is for.
std::vector< State * > startStates_
 The set of start states.
GoalPtr goal_
 The goal representation.
SolutionNonExistenceProofPtr nonExistenceProof_
 A Representation of a proof of non-existence of a solution for this problem definition.
OptimizationObjectivePtr optimizationObjective_
 The objective to be optimized while solving the planning problem.
ReportIntermediateSolutionFn intermediateSolutionCallback_
 Callback function which is called when a new intermediate solution has been found.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 119 of file LTLProblemDefinition.h.

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