A space representing discrete states; i.e. there are a small number of discrete states the system can be in. States are represented as integers [lowerBound, upperBound], where lowerBound and upperBound are inclusive. States do not wrap around; i.e. the distance between state lowerBound and state upperBound is upperBound-lowerBound. The dimension of the space is 1. More...
#include <ompl/base/spaces/DiscreteStateSpace.h>

Classes | |
class | StateType |
The definition of a discrete state. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
DiscreteStateSpace (int lowerBound, int upperBound) | |
Construct a discrete space in wich states can take values in the set [lowerBound, upperBound]. | |
bool | isDiscrete () const override |
Check if the set of states is discrete. More... | |
unsigned int | getDimension () const override |
Get the dimension of the space (not the dimension of the surrounding ambient space) | |
double | getMaximumExtent () const override |
Get the maximum value a call to distance() can return (or an upper bound). For unbounded state spaces, this function can return infinity. More... | |
double | getMeasure () const override |
Get a measure of the space (this can be thought of as a generalization of volume) | |
void | enforceBounds (State *state) const override |
Bring the state within the bounds of the state space. For unbounded spaces this function can be a no-op. | |
bool | satisfiesBounds (const State *state) const override |
Check if a state is inside the bounding box. For unbounded spaces this function can always return true. | |
unsigned int | getSerializationLength () const override |
Get the number of chars in the serialization of a state in this space. | |
void | serialize (void *serialization, const State *state) const override |
Write the binary representation of state to serialization. | |
void | deserialize (State *state, const void *serialization) const override |
Read the binary representation of a state from serialization and write it to state. | |
void | copyState (State *destination, const State *source) const override |
Copy a state to another. The memory of source and destination should NOT overlap. More... | |
double | distance (const State *state1, const State *state2) const override |
Computes distance between two states. This function satisfies the properties of a metric if isMetricSpace() is true, and its return value will always be between 0 and getMaximumExtent() | |
bool | equalStates (const State *state1, const State *state2) const override |
Checks whether two states are equal. | |
void | interpolate (const State *from, const State *to, double t, State *state) const override |
Computes the state that lies at time t in [0, 1] on the segment that connects from state to to state. The memory location of state is not required to be different from the memory of either from or to. | |
StateSamplerPtr | allocDefaultStateSampler () const override |
Allocate an instance of the default uniform state sampler for this space. | |
State * | allocState () const override |
Allocate a state that can store a point in the described space. | |
void | freeState (State *state) const override |
Free the memory of the allocated state. | |
void | printState (const State *state, std::ostream &out) const override |
Print a state to a stream. | |
void | printSettings (std::ostream &out) const override |
Print the settings for this state space to a stream. | |
void | registerProjections () override |
Register the projections for this state space. Usually, this is at least the default projection. These are implicit projections, set by the implementation of the state space. This is called by setup(). | |
unsigned int | getStateCount () const |
Returns the number of states possible. | |
int | getLowerBound () const |
Returns the lowest possible state. | |
int | getUpperBound () const |
Returns the highest possible state. | |
void | setBounds (int lowerBound, int upperBound) |
Set the bounds for the states in this space (the states will be in the set [lowerBound, upperBound]. | |
void | setup () override |
Perform final setup steps. This function is automatically called by the SpaceInformation. If any default projections are to be registered, this call will set them and call their setup() functions. It is safe to call this function multiple times. At a subsequent call, projections that have been previously user configured are not re-instantiated, but their setup() method is still called. | |
![]() | |
StateSpace (const StateSpace &)=delete | |
StateSpace & | operator= (const StateSpace &)=delete |
StateSpace () | |
Constructor. Assigns a unique name to the space. | |
template<class T > | |
T * | as () |
Cast this instance to a desired type. More... | |
template<class T > | |
const T * | as () const |
Cast this instance to a desired type. More... | |
virtual bool | isCompound () const |
Check if the state space is compound. | |
virtual bool | isHybrid () const |
Check if this is a hybrid state space (i.e., both discrete and continuous components exist) | |
virtual bool | isMetricSpace () const |
Return true if the distance function associated with the space is a metric. | |
virtual bool | hasSymmetricDistance () const |
Check if the distance function on this state space is symmetric, i.e. distance(s1,s2) = distance(s2,s1). Default implementation returns true. | |
virtual bool | hasSymmetricInterpolate () const |
Check if the interpolation function on this state space is symmetric, i.e. interpolate(from, to, t, state) = interpolate(to, from, 1-t, state). Default implementation returns true. | |
const std::string & | getName () const |
Get the name of the state space. | |
void | setName (const std::string &name) |
Set the name of the state space. | |
int | getType () const |
Get the type of the state space. The type can be used to verify whether two space instances are of the same type (e.g., SO2) | |
bool | includes (const StateSpacePtr &other) const |
Return true if other is a space included (perhaps equal, perhaps a subspace) in this one. | |
bool | includes (const StateSpace *other) const |
Return true if other is a space included (perhaps equal, perhaps a subspace) in this one. | |
bool | covers (const StateSpacePtr &other) const |
Return true if other is a space that is either included (perhaps equal, perhaps a subspace) in this one, or all of its subspaces are included in this one. | |
bool | covers (const StateSpace *other) const |
Return true if other is a space that is either included (perhaps equal, perhaps a subspace) in this one, or all of its subspaces are included in this one. | |
ParamSet & | params () |
Get the parameters for this space. | |
const ParamSet & | params () const |
Get the parameters for this space. | |
virtual double | getLongestValidSegmentFraction () const |
When performing discrete validation of motions, the length of the longest segment that does not require state validation needs to be specified. This function returns this length, for this state space, as a fraction of the space's maximum extent. | |
virtual void | setLongestValidSegmentFraction (double segmentFraction) |
When performing discrete validation of motions, the length of the longest segment that does not require state validation needs to be specified. This function sets this length as a fraction of the space's maximum extent. More... | |
virtual unsigned int | validSegmentCount (const State *state1, const State *state2) const |
Count how many segments of the "longest valid length" fit on the motion from state1 to state2. | |
virtual void | setValidSegmentCountFactor (unsigned int factor) |
Set factor to be the value to multiply the return value of validSegmentCount(). By default, this value is 1. The higher the value, the smaller the size of the segments considered valid. The effect of this function is immediate (setup() does not need to be called). | |
virtual unsigned int | getValidSegmentCountFactor () const |
Get the value used to multiply the return value of validSegmentCount(). | |
virtual double | getLongestValidSegmentLength () const |
Get the longest valid segment at the time setup() was called. | |
virtual void | computeSignature (std::vector< int > &signature) const |
Compute an array of ints that uniquely identifies the structure of the state space. The first element of the signature is the number of integers that follow. | |
State * | cloneState (const State *source) const |
Clone a state. | |
virtual StateSamplerPtr | allocStateSampler () const |
Allocate an instance of the state sampler for this space. This sampler will be allocated with the sampler allocator that was previously specified by setStateSamplerAllocator() or, if no sampler allocator was specified, allocDefaultStateSampler() is called. | |
void | setStateSamplerAllocator (const StateSamplerAllocator &ssa) |
Set the sampler allocator to use. | |
void | clearStateSamplerAllocator () |
Clear the state sampler allocator (reset to default) | |
virtual double * | getValueAddressAtIndex (State *state, unsigned int index) const |
Many states contain a number of double values. This function provides a means to get the memory address of a double value from state state located at position index. The first double value is returned for index = 0. If index is too large (does not point to any double values in the state), the return value is nullptr. More... | |
const double * | getValueAddressAtIndex (const State *state, unsigned int index) const |
Const variant of the same function as above;. | |
const std::vector< ValueLocation > & | getValueLocations () const |
Get the locations of values of type double contained in a state from this space. The order of the values is consistent with getValueAddressAtIndex(). The setup() function must have been previously called. | |
const std::map< std::string, ValueLocation > & | getValueLocationsByName () const |
Get the named locations of values of type double contained in a state from this space. The setup() function must have been previously called. | |
double * | getValueAddressAtLocation (State *state, const ValueLocation &loc) const |
Get a pointer to the double value in state that loc points to. | |
const double * | getValueAddressAtLocation (const State *state, const ValueLocation &loc) const |
Const variant of the same function as above;. | |
double * | getValueAddressAtName (State *state, const std::string &name) const |
Get a pointer to the double value in state that name points to. | |
const double * | getValueAddressAtName (const State *state, const std::string &name) const |
Const variant of the same function as above;. | |
virtual void | copyToReals (std::vector< double > &reals, const State *source) const |
Copy all the real values from a state source to the array reals using getValueAddressAtLocation() | |
virtual void | copyFromReals (State *destination, const std::vector< double > &reals) const |
Copy the values from reals to the state destination using getValueAddressAtLocation() | |
void | registerProjection (const std::string &name, const ProjectionEvaluatorPtr &projection) |
Register a projection for this state space under a specified name. | |
void | registerDefaultProjection (const ProjectionEvaluatorPtr &projection) |
Register the default projection for this state space. | |
ProjectionEvaluatorPtr | getProjection (const std::string &name) const |
Get the projection registered under a specific name. | |
ProjectionEvaluatorPtr | getDefaultProjection () const |
Get the default projection. | |
bool | hasProjection (const std::string &name) const |
Check if a projection with a specified name is available. | |
bool | hasDefaultProjection () const |
Check if a default projection is available. | |
const std::map< std::string, ProjectionEvaluatorPtr > & | getRegisteredProjections () const |
Get all the registered projections. | |
StateSamplerPtr | allocSubspaceStateSampler (const StateSpacePtr &subspace) const |
Allocate a sampler that actually samples only components that are part of subspace. | |
virtual StateSamplerPtr | allocSubspaceStateSampler (const StateSpace *subspace) const |
Allocate a sampler that actually samples only components that are part of subspace. | |
State * | getSubstateAtLocation (State *state, const SubstateLocation &loc) const |
Get the substate of state that is pointed to by loc. | |
const State * | getSubstateAtLocation (const State *state, const SubstateLocation &loc) const |
Get the substate of state that is pointed to by loc. | |
const std::map< std::string, SubstateLocation > & | getSubstateLocationsByName () const |
Get the list of known substate locations (keys of the map corrspond to names of subspaces) | |
void | getCommonSubspaces (const StateSpacePtr &other, std::vector< std::string > &subspaces) const |
Get the set of subspaces that this space and other have in common. The computed list of subspaces does not contain spaces that cover each other, even though they may be common, as that is redundant information. | |
void | getCommonSubspaces (const StateSpace *other, std::vector< std::string > &subspaces) const |
Get the set of subspaces that this space and other have in common. The computed list of subspaces does not contain spaces that cover each other, even though they may be common, as that is redundant information. | |
virtual void | computeLocations () |
Compute the location information for various components of the state space. Either this function or setup() must be called before any calls to getValueAddressAtName(), getValueAddressAtLocation() (and other functions where those are used). | |
virtual void | printProjections (std::ostream &out) const |
Print the list of registered projections. This function is also called by printSettings() | |
virtual void | sanityChecks (double zero, double eps, unsigned int flags) const |
Perform sanity checks for this state space. Throws an exception if failures are found. More... | |
virtual void | sanityChecks () const |
Convenience function that allows derived state spaces to choose which checks should pass (see SanityChecks flags) and how strict the checks are. This just calls sanityChecks() with some default arguments. | |
void | diagram (std::ostream &out) const |
Print a Graphviz digraph that represents the containment diagram for the state space. | |
void | list (std::ostream &out) const |
Print the list of all contained state space instances. | |
Protected Attributes | |
int | lowerBound_ |
The lowest integer state. | |
int | upperBound_ |
The highest integer state. | |
![]() | |
int | type_ |
A type assigned for this state space. | |
StateSamplerAllocator | ssa_ |
An optional state sampler allocator. | |
double | maxExtent_ |
The extent of this space at the time setup() was called. | |
double | longestValidSegmentFraction_ |
The fraction of the longest valid segment. | |
double | longestValidSegment_ |
The longest valid segment at the time setup() was called. | |
unsigned int | longestValidSegmentCountFactor_ |
The factor to multiply the value returned by validSegmentCount(). Rarely used but useful for things like doubling the resolution. | |
std::map< std::string, ProjectionEvaluatorPtr > | projections_ |
List of available projections. | |
ParamSet | params_ |
The set of parameters for this space. | |
std::vector< ValueLocation > | valueLocationsInOrder_ |
The value locations for all varliables of type double contained in a state; The locations point to values in the same order as that returned by getValueAddressAtIndex() | |
std::map< std::string, ValueLocation > | valueLocationsByName_ |
All the known value locations, by name. The names of state spaces access the first element of a state. RealVectorStateSpace dimensions are used to access individual dimensions. | |
std::map< std::string, SubstateLocation > | substateLocationsByName_ |
All the known substat locations, by name. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
Flags to use in a bit mask for state space sanity checks. Some basic checks do not have flags associated (they are always executed; for example, whether copyState() works as expected) More... | |
using | StateType = ompl::base::State |
Define the type of state allocated by this space. | |
![]() | |
static void | Diagram (std::ostream &out) |
Print a Graphviz digraph that represents the containment diagram for all the instantiated state spaces. | |
static void | List (std::ostream &out) |
Print the list of available state space instances. | |
![]() | |
static const std::string | DEFAULT_PROJECTION_NAME = "" |
The name used for the default projection. | |
Detailed Description
A space representing discrete states; i.e. there are a small number of discrete states the system can be in. States are represented as integers [lowerBound, upperBound], where lowerBound and upperBound are inclusive. States do not wrap around; i.e. the distance between state lowerBound and state upperBound is upperBound-lowerBound. The dimension of the space is 1.
Definition at line 131 of file DiscreteStateSpace.h.
Member Function Documentation
◆ copyState()
overridevirtual |
Copy a state to another. The memory of source and destination should NOT overlap.
- Note
- For more advanced state copying methods (partial copy, for example), see Advanced methods for copying states.
Implements ompl::base::StateSpace.
Definition at line 96 of file DiscreteStateSpace.cpp.
◆ getMaximumExtent()
overridevirtual |
Get the maximum value a call to distance() can return (or an upper bound). For unbounded state spaces, this function can return infinity.
- Note
- Tight upper bounds are preferred because the value of the extent is used in the automatic computation of parameters for planning. If the bounds are less tight, the automatically computed parameters will be less useful.
Implements ompl::base::StateSpace.
Definition at line 73 of file DiscreteStateSpace.cpp.
◆ isDiscrete()
overridevirtual |
Check if the set of states is discrete.
- Note
- In fact, because of limited numerical precision, the representation of all spaces is discrete; this function returns true if the corresponding mathematical object is a discrete one.
Reimplemented from ompl::base::StateSpace.
Definition at line 63 of file DiscreteStateSpace.cpp.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
- ompl/base/spaces/DiscreteStateSpace.h
- ompl/base/spaces/src/DiscreteStateSpace.cpp