ompl::geometric::XXLPositionDecomposition Class Referenceabstract
Inheritance diagram for ompl::geometric::XXLPositionDecomposition:

Public Member Functions

 XXLPositionDecomposition (const base::RealVectorBounds &bounds, const std::vector< int > &slices, bool diagonalEdges=false)
virtual int getNumRegions () const
 Returns the number of regions in this XXLDecomposition.
virtual int getDimension () const
 Return the dimension of this HiLoDecomposition.
virtual int numLayers () const =0
 Return the number of layers possible in this decomposition. Must be at least 1.
virtual int locateRegion (const base::State *s) const
 Return the id of the region that this state falls in.
virtual int locateRegion (const std::vector< double > &coord) const
 Return the id of the region that this coordinate falls in.
virtual void getNeighbors (int rid, std::vector< int > &neighbors) const
 Stores the given region's neighbors into a given vector.
virtual void getNeighborhood (int rid, std::vector< int > &neighborhood) const
 Stores the given region's neighbors into the vector. This returns the 8-connected grid neighbors of the cell, regardless of whether diagonal edges exist.
virtual double distanceHeuristic (int r1, int r2) const
 An admissible and consistent distance heuristic between two regions. Manhattan distance on grid.
virtual bool sampleFromRegion (int r, base::State *s, const base::State *seed=nullptr) const =0
 Sample a state s from region r in layer 0.
virtual bool sampleFromRegion (int r, base::State *s, const base::State *seed, int layer) const =0
 Sample a state s from region r in the given layer.
virtual void project (const base::State *s, std::vector< double > &coord, int layer=0) const =0
 Project the given State into the XXLDecomposition.
virtual void project (const base::State *s, std::vector< int > &layers) const =0
 Project the state into the decomposition and retrieve the region for all valid layers.
void ridToGridCell (int rid, std::vector< int > &cell) const
int gridCellToRid (const std::vector< int > &cell) const
 Return the region id corresponding to the (discrete) grid cell coordinates.
int coordToRegion (const std::vector< double > &coord) const
 Return the region id of the given coordinate in the decomposition.
int coordToRegion (const double *coord) const
bool hasDiagonalEdges () const
 Return true if the decomposition has diagonal edges.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ompl::geometric::XXLDecomposition
 XXLDecomposition ()
virtual bool canSteer () const
 Returns true if the method steerToRegion is available.
virtual bool steerToRegion (int, int, const ompl::base::State *, std::vector< ompl::base::State * > &) const

Protected Member Functions

void getNonDiagonalNeighbors (int rid, std::vector< int > &neighbors) const
void getDiagonalNeighbors (int rid, std::vector< int > &neighbors) const

Protected Attributes

base::RealVectorBounds bounds_
const std::vector< int > slices_
std::vector< double > cellSizes_
bool diagonalEdges_
int numRegions_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 113 of file XXLPositionDecomposition.h.

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