ompl::multilevel::BundleSpaceSequence< T > Class Template Reference

A planner for a sequence of BundleSpaces. More...

#include <ompl/multilevel/datastructures/BundleSpaceSequence.h>

Inheritance diagram for ompl::multilevel::BundleSpaceSequence< T >:


struct  CmpBundleSpacePtrs
 Compare function for priority queue. More...

Public Member Functions

 BundleSpaceSequence (ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr si, std::string type="BundleSpacePlannerNonMultilevel")
 Non-multilevel Mode: Calling with a single ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr will revert to standard planning without invoking any projection operators.
 BundleSpaceSequence (std::vector< ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr > &siVec, std::string type="BundleSpacePlanner")
 Basic Mode: Specify vector of ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr and let the algorithm figure out the projections itself.
 BundleSpaceSequence (std::vector< ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr > &siVec, std::vector< ompl::multilevel::ProjectionPtr > &projVec, std::string type="BundleSpacePlannerCustomProjection")
 Advanced Mode: Specify not only the vector of ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr, but also how we should project from each bundle space to each base space.
void declareBundleSpaces (bool guessProjection=true)
virtual void getPlannerData (ompl::base::PlannerData &data) const override
 Return annotated vertices (with information about BundleSpace level)
ompl::base::PlannerStatus solve (const ompl::base::PlannerTerminationCondition &ptc) override
 Function that can solve the motion planning problem. This function can be called multiple times on the same problem, without calling clear() in between. This allows the planner to continue work for more time on an unsolved problem, for example. If this option is used, it is assumed the problem definition is not changed (unpredictable results otherwise). The only change in the problem definition that is accounted for is the addition of starting or goal states (but not changing previously added start/goal states). If clearQuery() is called, the planner may retain prior datastructures generated from a previous query on a new problem definition. The function terminates if the call to ptc returns true.
virtual void setup () override
 Perform extra configuration steps, if needed. This call will also issue a call to ompl::base::SpaceInformation::setup() if needed. This must be called before solving.
virtual void clear () override
 Clear multilevel planner by clearing all levels.
virtual void setProblemDefinition (const ompl::base::ProblemDefinitionPtr &pdef) override
 Set the problem definition for the planner. The problem needs to be set before calling solve(). Note: If this problem definition replaces a previous one, it may also be necessary to call clear() or clearQuery().
void setStopLevel (unsigned int level_)
void setFindSectionStrategy (FindSectionType type)
 Set strategy to use to solve the find section problem.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ompl::multilevel::PlannerMultiLevel
 PlannerMultiLevel (std::vector< ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr > &siVec, std::string type="PlannerMultiLevel")
 Constructor for a set of ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr which represent different abstraction levels.
 PlannerMultiLevel (ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr si)
 PlannerMultiLevel (ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr si, std::string type)
const ompl::base::ProblemDefinitionPtrgetProblemDefinition (int level) const
 Get ompl::base::ProblemDefinitionPtr for a specific level.
ompl::base::ProblemDefinitionPtrgetProblemDefinitionNonConst (int level)
 Get ompl::base::ProblemDefinitionPtr for a specific level (non const)
const std::vector< ompl::base::ProblemDefinitionPtr > & getProblemDefinitionVector () const
 Get all ompl::base::ProblemDefinitionPtr for all levels in the hierarchy.
int getLevels () const
 Number of multilevel abstractions.
std::vector< int > getDimensionsPerLevel () const
 Get dimensionality of the multilevel abstraction.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ompl::base::Planner
 Planner (const Planner &)=delete
Planneroperator= (const Planner &)=delete
 Planner (SpaceInformationPtr si, std::string name)
virtual ~Planner ()=default
template<class T >
T * as ()
 Cast this instance to a desired type. More...
template<class T >
const T * as () const
 Cast this instance to a desired type. More...
const SpaceInformationPtrgetSpaceInformation () const
 Get the space information this planner is using.
const ProblemDefinitionPtrgetProblemDefinition () const
 Get the problem definition the planner is trying to solve.
ProblemDefinitionPtrgetProblemDefinition ()
 Get the problem definition the planner is trying to solve.
const PlannerInputStatesgetPlannerInputStates () const
 Get the planner input states.
PlannerStatus solve (const PlannerTerminationConditionFn &ptc, double checkInterval)
 Same as above except the termination condition is only evaluated at a specified interval.
PlannerStatus solve (double solveTime)
 Same as above except the termination condition is solely a time limit: the number of seconds the algorithm is allowed to spend planning.
virtual void clearQuery ()
 Clears internal datastructures of any query-specific information from the previous query. Planner settings are not affected. The planner, if able, should retain all datastructures generated from previous queries that can be used to help solve the next query. Note that clear() should also clear all query-specific information along with all other datastructures in the planner. By default clearQuery() calls clear().
const std::string & getName () const
 Get the name of the planner.
void setName (const std::string &name)
 Set the name of the planner.
const PlannerSpecsgetSpecs () const
 Return the specifications (capabilities of this planner)
virtual void checkValidity ()
 Check to see if the planner is in a working state (setup has been called, a goal was set, the input states seem to be in order). In case of error, this function throws an exception.
bool isSetup () const
 Check if setup() was called for this planner.
ParamSetparams ()
 Get the parameters for this planner.
const ParamSetparams () const
 Get the parameters for this planner.
const PlannerProgressPropertiesgetPlannerProgressProperties () const
 Retrieve a planner's planner progress property map.
virtual void printProperties (std::ostream &out) const
 Print properties of the motion planner.
virtual void printSettings (std::ostream &out) const
 Print information about the motion planner's settings.

Protected Types

typedef std::priority_queue< BundleSpace *, std::vector< BundleSpace * >, CmpBundleSpacePtrsBundleSpacePriorityQueue
 Priority queue of BundleSpaces which keeps track of how often every graph on each space has been expanded.

Protected Member Functions

ompl::base::StategetTotalState (int baseLevel, const base::State *baseState) const
 Starting from a baseState on baseLevel, we lift it iteratively upwards into the total space of the sequence. For each lift, we choose an identity fiber element using the allocIdentityState method in ompl::multilevel::BundleSpace.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ompl::base::Planner
template<typename T , typename PlannerType , typename SetterType , typename GetterType >
void declareParam (const std::string &name, const PlannerType &planner, const SetterType &setter, const GetterType &getter, const std::string &rangeSuggestion="")
 This function declares a parameter for this planner instance, and specifies the setter and getter functions.
template<typename T , typename PlannerType , typename SetterType >
void declareParam (const std::string &name, const PlannerType &planner, const SetterType &setter, const std::string &rangeSuggestion="")
 This function declares a parameter for this planner instance, and specifies the setter function.
void addPlannerProgressProperty (const std::string &progressPropertyName, const PlannerProgressProperty &prop)
 Add a planner progress property called progressPropertyName with a property querying function prop to this planner's progress property map.

Protected Attributes

std::vector< T * > bundleSpaces_
 Sequence of BundleSpaces.
bool foundKLevelSolution_ {false}
 Indicator if a solution has been found on the current BundleSpaces.
unsigned int currentBundleSpaceLevel_ {0}
 Current level on which we have not yet found a path.
unsigned int stopAtLevel_
 Sometimes we only want to plan until a certain BundleSpace level (for debugging for example). This variable sets the stopping level.
BundleSpacePriorityQueue priorityQueue_
- Protected Attributes inherited from ompl::multilevel::PlannerMultiLevel
std::vector< ompl::base::PathPtrsolutions_
 Solution paths on each abstraction level.
std::vector< ompl::base::ProblemDefinitionPtrpdefVec_
 Sequence of ProblemDefinitionPtr.
std::vector< ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtrsiVec_
 Each abstraction level has a unique ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr.
- Protected Attributes inherited from ompl::base::Planner
SpaceInformationPtr si_
 The space information for which planning is done.
ProblemDefinitionPtr pdef_
 The user set problem definition.
PlannerInputStates pis_
 Utility class to extract valid input states

std::string name_
 The name of this planner.
PlannerSpecs specs_
 The specifications of the planner (its capabilities)
ParamSet params_
 A map from parameter names to parameter instances for this planner. This field is populated by the declareParam() function.
PlannerProgressProperties plannerProgressProperties_
 A mapping between this planner's progress property names and the functions used for querying those progress properties.
bool setup_
 Flag indicating whether setup() has been called.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ompl::base::Planner
using PlannerProgressProperty = std::function< std::string()>
 Definition of a function which returns a property about the planner's progress that can be queried by a benchmarking routine.
using PlannerProgressProperties = std::map< std::string, PlannerProgressProperty >
 A dictionary which maps the name of a progress property to the function to be used for querying that property.

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class ompl::multilevel::BundleSpaceSequence< T >

A planner for a sequence of BundleSpaces.

Example usage with QRRT ompl::base::PlannerPtr planner = std::make_shared<BundleSpaceSequence<ompl::multilevel::QRRT> >(si_vec);

whereby si_vec is of type std::vector<ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr>

Template Parameters
TPlanner function used to grow each space

Definition at line 103 of file BundleSpaceSequence.h.

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